Committee Vacancies
The Cook Inlet Harbor Safety Committee (CIHSC) is soliciting interest for the following committee seats:
Commercial Fishing Organization*
Cruise Ship Operators*
Dry Cargo Ship Operators*
Environmental Organization✝
Harbor Tug Operators*
Marine Oil Terminal Operators✝
Offshore Oil Production Operators*
Recreational Boaters✝
Response Organization✝
Salvage Organization✝
Ship Agents✝
Small Passenger Vessel Operators*
Tanker Operators*
Tug and Barge Operators*
If you are interested in being considered for appointment to one of these seats, please submit a Letter of Interest and resume to by COB March 9, 2022 for consideration by the CIHSC Managing Board at their next Annual Meeting.
*In order to qualify for these seats, individuals must have maritime experience documented by one of the following:
Has held or currently holds a Merchant Officer's credential;
Has held or currently holds a position on a commercial vessel that includes navigational responsibility; or,
Has or currently holds a position in a company that operates commercial marine vessels in Cook Inlet.
✝In order to qualify for these seats, individuals must reside in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Municipality of Anchorage, the Kenai Peninsula Borough, or another Alaska community that is contiguous to Cook Inlet and present evidence that they are a member or employee of an organization that represents their stakeholder group.